Monday, June 3, 2013


It has been shown experimentally that clocks (GPS) are affected by the high speed. But, does it happen the same with the other things and people? So far there is no evidence that a person's physical appearance change when traveling at high speeds (astronauts). So, which is affected is the measurement or control of time, everything else remain equal (becoming). With clocks we take control of the passage of time, clock measures its own pace.

Aspects of the duration:

- Real becoming. It's absolute: irreversible and inexorable.
- Measured time. It's relative.
- Psychological time. It's subjective.

Duration is like a coin, on one side is the becoming and on the other one is the time. The mind has difficulty appreciating both sides at once. Duration is the 'phenomenon-coin'.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


1- How do we know that things last?
Because some start, others remain and others disappear.

2- Why do things age or deteriorate?
Because of the continuous becoming.

3- How do we know that time is continuously increasing?
Because it is measured in terms of the amount of occurrence of a periodic event or the amount of a fraction occurrence of the same event.

4- Is time travel possible?
No, because the past was real but is no longer anymore, and as for the future, we must go through all the moments sequentially.

5- Is space curved?
No, space has no form, we just measure it in three dimensions. Relativity bases its conclusion using the behavior of light "in space."



We all know that when a bus starts we go back and when the bus stops suddenly we go forward. This is an application of the law of inertia.


When we take an object and let it fall freely (accelerated motion) this recovers its equilibrium state when stopping. The planets orbiting a star retain their equilibrium state (elliptic motion) in relation to this. Imagine what would happen if the star ceases to exist.


A clock on a high-speed spacecraft slows its pace in response to the speed causing time dilates. The speed alters the equilibrium state of the clock and all the bodies that are in the ship.


The nucleus of the atom is in equilibrium due to the strong nuclear force (S) and this equilibrium is lost in nuclear fission.
The effect of the weak nuclear force (W) in nuclear fusion is to balance the hydrogen and helium atoms.

As we explained "CRES Law" act in real forces, fictitious forces, gravity and the forces of the atomic nucleus. We can also add that in the light electric and magnetic fields are balanced.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Mechanics is the branch of Physics that studies and analyzes the motion and rest of bodies, and their evolution in the time, under the action of forces. Mechanics is divided into: Dynamic that studies the movement and the causes that produce it; Kinematics that studies the motion of bodies without considering the cause that produces it and neither the mass of the moving body. Etatics studies the balance of forces. Einstein's Relativity studies the effects of traveling at a speed close to c. The Philochrony studies the movement -change or activity- considering only the time. The components of the movement are: a body or a particle, the acting force, traveled space and elapsed time.

BRANCH ................. FORMULA (LAW)
Dynamics ................. F = m.a
Kinematics ............... s = d / t
Relativity ................. Δt ≈ d / c
Statics ..................... ΣFx = 0
Philochrony ............. tu = (g∆b, x) n. (n times). For an irregular rhythm becoming (not periodic) is used: t = ∆b, 


- The universe is made of 4D space-time.

- The mass is very dense space-time.

- The bodies with a lot of mass warp space-time (dark energy) around them.

- According to the Unified Field Theory photons are formed from the movement. Some photons are free (dark energy) and others unite to form atoms.

The formula uet = m + (Δgd, x) p explains the four fundamental forces (4FF) as follows: the magnitude of these forces depends on the mass of the body, internal changes and movement and outside, of the distance from the center of the body.


My interpretation of space-time is that each object or body (event for somebody) is a structure of space-time. The magnitude of the space-time depends on the mass and density of the object. These objects can be: a particle, a molecule, a table, a planet or a galaxy. The space-time consists of four dimensions.
The gravity of the stars is transmitted through photons or dark energy, distorting the space-time around them.

In a formula:

stu = m + (gΔb, x) p

A space-time unit or "object" is equal to the mass more the gradual increment of an uniform rhythm becoming since a moment x in a point of space p.

Albert Einstein was right.


The formula stu = m + (gΔb, x) p relates the mass, the time law (tu = g∆b, x) and space. This is not an arithmetic sum but a combination of factors: mass, flowing time and space. Each object warps space-time around them, but this effect depends on the mass of the body and in the reality they are: macrocosm and microcosm. The effect of nuclear forces, weak and strong, is to an atom level. 
Dark energy fills all space and is composed by photons. It is called dark because doesn't emit radiation. The term "dark energy" was coined by Michael Turner in 1998.