Thursday, January 3, 2013


Mechanics is the branch of Physics that studies and analyzes the motion and rest of bodies, and their evolution in the time, under the action of forces. Mechanics is divided into: Dynamic that studies the movement and the causes that produce it; Kinematics that studies the motion of bodies without considering the cause that produces it and neither the mass of the moving body. Etatics studies the balance of forces. Einstein's Relativity studies the effects of traveling at a speed close to c. The Philochrony studies the movement -change or activity- considering only the time. The components of the movement are: a body or a particle, the acting force, traveled space and elapsed time.

BRANCH ................. FORMULA (LAW)
Dynamics ................. F = m.a
Kinematics ............... s = d / t
Relativity ................. Δt ≈ d / c
Statics ..................... ΣFx = 0
Philochrony ............. tu = (g∆b, x) n. (n times). For an irregular rhythm becoming (not periodic) is used: t = ∆b, 

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